UTokyo-ANU Strategic Partnerships Project Workshop on Sustainability Transitions Research co-hosted by H-UTokyo Lab. -Similarity and Difference During Transitions: Comparative Perspectives and Opportunities for Cooperation Towards Sustainable Futures-
2023.02.24(Fri)16:00-18:50 (JST)
【in-person for presenters and limited invited researchers】 SMBC Academia Hall, 4th floor, International Academic Research Building, UTokyo 【For the audience】Online (zoom)
Sustainability transitions have attracted more and more attention from the academia, policy practitioners, and industries. While researchers have tried to gain insights for sustainable socio-technical transitions from historical trajectories, the geographical or political, socio-economic, and cultural contexts of different countries complicate the process of governing transitions. In this workshop, Asia-Pacific and European researchers are invited to discuss the challenges, possible pathways and cooperation towards sustainable transitions.
Technology Governance Policy Research Unit, Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI), The University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), The University of Tokyo
H-UTokyo Lab. (Hitachi and U-Tokyo Joint Research) WG3, ANU-UTokyo Strategic Partnership
Language:English with simultaneous Japanese translation
Advance registration is required.
*ZoomURL for this event will be sent via email by Wednesday, February 22.
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16:00-16:05 Opening remarks
Hideaki Shiroyama (Director of the Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo)
16:05-16:25 Presentations (Ⅰ-1) “Transition pathways to net-zero: Comparing different strategies”
Jochen Markard (Institute of Sustainable Development, Zurich University of Applied Sciences; Department of Management, Technology and Economics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland)
16:25-16:45 Presentations (Ⅰ-2) “The historical dismantling of tramways in France as a case of destabilisation and phase-out of an established system”
Bruno Turnheim (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Science, Innovation and Society (LISIS), Gustave Eiffel University (UGE), France; Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR), University of Manchester, UK)
16:45-16:55 “Japan’s socio-technical scenarios towards carbon neutrality by 2050: Report from the H-UTokyo Lab”
Hideaki Shiroyama (Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo)
16:55-17:15 “Local learning and global-local niche interaction: Deployment of solar photovoltaics in Japan”
Yi-chun Chen et al.
(Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo)
17:15-17:25 Break
17:25-17:45 Presentations (Ⅱ-1) “Mapping the 50-year evolution of scientific discussions about phase-outs as a tool to tackle sustainability challenges”
Gregory Trencher (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University)
17:45-18:05 Presentations (Ⅱ-2) “Japanese Incumbent Technology Strategies: Emissions Implications of Ammonia Co-combustion”
Llewelyn Hughes (Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University)
18:05-18:45 Open discussion
-Moderator: Hideaki Shiroyama (IFI, The University of Tokyo)
-All presenters, other researchers present
18:45-18:50 Closing remarks
Hideaki Shiroyama (Director of the Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo)
Secretariat, Institute for Future Initiatives, UTokyo
Technology Governance Policy Research Unit
E-mail: ifi_tg[at]ifi.u-tokyo.ac.jp(replace [at] with @)